Sunday, December 28, 2008

My new Beth Moore book

He is Jesus.
The One and Only.
Transcendent over all else.
To know Him is to love Him.
To love Him is to long for Him.
To long for Him is to finally reach
soul hands into the One true thing
we need never get enough of.
Take all you want.
Take all you need.
Till soul is fed.
And spirit freed.
Till dust is dust.
And Face you see.
Jesus Christ.
He's all you need.

I didn't write this. This is the intro to my new book, Jesus Day by Day by Beth Moore. I just love her! I've done several of her Bible studies with our women's group at church. I love her videos and how she words things. Some of her poetry just touches me so deeply. I wish I could buy just the videos to her Bible studies to watch over and over. I always get something new from them.

As I read this last night, I thought about how I long to spend time with him. . . and the times that life gets so hectic that I fail to do so. I always lament over it. I know that God knows my heart and I long to be filled, fed and freed so much that my entire life reflects Jesus. I want to feel his presence in my life all the time. I want to feel that he is right beside me all day, everyday. I don't want to walk a minute without his loving hand guiding my steps. I'm a long way from that though.

I think visually so I can just picture reaching my hands into the cloud of Glory that surrounds my Savior, and touching the hand of the master, creater, the only thing I need! In our corporate Worship at church I picture the Lord comming down in a cloud with his Glory filling the room. His spirit washing over me like a gentle rain, cleansing and healing me. Washing me clean from the worlds dirt.

Oh how I love His touch! How His presence comforts me! I pray for more time with Him. With the one true Savior who loves me inspite of my faults!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Goals for the New Year

I was thinking about things I want to do for next year. Things I want to accomplish. Not really a New Years resolution, they never work for me. Some of the things I've been thinking about for a while. Here is the short list.

1. I want to read through the Chronological Bible in one year. Now, I begged and hinted about getting one for Christmas. I asked for the 1 year through the Chronological Bible. I got a Chronological Study Bible. Now the question is, can I read through this particular Bible without pit stops in all the study helps-in one year. Probably not, but I'm going to try!

2. Get more organized with teaching my preschooler. I don't want it to be excruciating for him but I want to teach him the things I want him to know, on his level and make it fun. No small task I guess but again, I'm going to try. I think I have some good resources for getting it better.

3. I'm starting to go back to school, part-time. I want to pass all my classes and take the time to study adequately. This means time away from my family, regularly, while at home. Taz, the 3 year old, may not do well with this. I'm going to try my best.

I guess this is a short list but certainly obtainable! lol Maybe I'll add more later

Christmas 2008

Christmas lights. Pictures just don't do this yard any justice. The entire yard-front side and back was covered with lights and decorations!

Same yard!

Daddy & Mikey playing with playdough. Yes I know I bought it for his "tot school" but he needs daddy time too! Plus, it kept him out of things while I finished Christmas dinner!

The dog, questioning what was going on! and maybe asking to be saved from the terror!! lol

Destini got the scarf and hat from her aunt and uncle. She wore them all day...does this mean I can keep the scarf I'm making for her????

My Mikey. Just sitting on the counter being silly!

The batman outfit came with a pair of shoes. I had a problem with the whole batman thing but my husband said to let him have it and hulk slippers. He likes the hulk even though he hasn't seen one show! I think hulk is too agressive and batman is too dark but I'm told I have to let him be a boy. Not so sure I agree. Anyway. He loved the batman outfit that just happened to go with the shoes more than any other gift except his new big boy bike. That is on video. Once I figure out how to get the video from the camera to my computer I'll post it! lol I have one of him going down the hill like he does on his trike but his sister freaked out because he was about to go over the side of the wall at the end of our property!! He stopped in time though-scary for a minute. He really is all boy!

Recent projects

An aprom I made for Christmas. I didn't use a pattern, just decided how I wanted it and cut and sew. I will put the neck strap at the corners next time. I even put a pocket on the top to hold my wedding rings when I have my hands in bread dough! Quick and easy project.

This is a scarf I'm working on for one of my daughters. It's crochet with a slant stitch from suzies yarnie stuff blog. Her pattern. I'm making one for one of the other girls too but it doesn't look as good. I think it's the verigated yarn I'm using on hers. Her favorite colors are pink and brown. This daughters favorite color is purple (same as me! lol)

This is an angel ornament made with #10 thread. Isn't she cute! I put these in some of the Christmas cards I sent out. I also made a snowflake ornament but gave it to my friend before I took a picture. That seems to happen alot!

Curtains I made. Another easy quick project. Kind of. It took me 2 weeks to finish but if I had just sat down and stayed with it then I would have been done in about 2 hours. 3 curtains for the kitchen-2 oddly shaped windows and the door window. They are lined but not really reversable. I could probably get away with turning them around but I would know the seams were there. lol

A day time view of the same curtain.
I found a pattern for beaded coasters today so I'll probably work on those for next year. I plan to start next years Christmas makings in January this year! lol That way I'll have lots to give away and less stress trying to get them done by Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Presents without Mom

Our Christmas presents went out the other day to all parts of the world. (ok just the US-I didn't get my son's out yet. I still don't know if he gave me the right address!) When I was wrapping them I came to the conclusion that I made some weird gifts for people! lol I have officially taken my mothers role of the person who gives the strangest gifts! She used to give things that no one understood! She was the one person that I learned that it's the thought that counts! She thought enough about you to get you something that she thought you would want or could use. She could have picked it up at anytime during the year and hid it in the back of her closet until Christmas and not even remember why she got it for you! lol I really miss her this year!

I made coasters and dishcloths for my in laws! lol I'm the backward hillbilly of the family and the gifts I made for them and actually sent just proves it! They aren't like me and I don't know that they consider handmade as a good thing. Bless them! They tolerate me well. I didn't really think the gifts were stupid until I tried to mail the stuff! I guess I'll start right after Christmas this year to buy things-like mom did! lol

My husband bought me a camcorder for Christmas (I got it already!) Mikey destroyed mine. First he broke the screen and it didn't have a view finder so I had to guess at whether or not I actually got the shot I wanted and then the pictures were all weird and didn't look good at all! I have been video taping and taking pictures with it for days. The kids were doing Christmas crafts and making Christmas cookies! My kitchen was destroyed! I have the video to prove it! lol

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


As life goes on as it should, some things seem different, more distant. Change happens. Sometimes it doesn't seem to be a good change. It's hard to remember that He works all things out for our good. Life gets busy and we forget. . . the things we once held dear. As things seem to be crumbling, I must remember that the Father has it all in His hands!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Camp Site!

Mikey hasn't been able to go outside lately due to the weather so he decided to make his own camp site! I didn't realize the mess my kitchen was in until I saw the pictures but they are still worth putting up! My iron was still out from getting things ready to sew and my cookbooks are a mess. Mikey's coat is on the counter too. Oh well, we had fun. The drawers he has pulled out are his Awning for his camper! The food on the floor is his fire pit and dinner he is cooking! lol He loves to camp!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Snoodles Tale

We watched A Snoodles Tale (part of the vegi tales) this morning. As I watched it, I thought wow this movie is pretty deep! I've seen it several times so it wasn't new to me. I just saw it from a different point of view this morning.

There was a lot of symbolism in the movie that I hadn't picked up on until today. I was most impressed with how the writers expressed how we are in God's eyes. He sees the finished product while all we can see is what we are right now, and how our view of ourselves sometimes is based on what others think of us. Which led me to the thought that others views of us may ultimately be inaccurate and biased. Wow!

What tools have we been given by God? How do we use them? Is our work on "His refridgerator"? Is it something He can be proud of? Does it honor Him? What were we created for? Do we see ourselves the way He does or how others see us?

Pretty deep for a kids movie! And I just thought I was entertaining them so I could get ready for church! I'm sure the children didn't get the same picture I did. I loved how it showed that others negative thoughts and comments can drag you down so that you can't "soar" like God wants you to. You have to see yourself as God sees you than you can fly!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


This is a partial view of my newly rearranged living room! It still looks small in this picture but the tv is behind me.

This is base camp. These were supposed to be at the end of the post but I can't seem to operate this thing today. My 3 & 8 year old have been playing camping here most of the last week.
This is his fire pit. lol We warmed our hands on it today!

Taking care of business at camp! (black mail pictures for when he is a teenager) You can see my back yard needs grooming and you can see the corner of my little garden.

Amazingly enough, only the boy was in the corner!

Mikey is rebuilding base camp for his adventures! The wind was trying to take it away.

The most important part of this entry is this.....from my back porch!

This is my view of God's glory this morning! He is just so awesome! My precious 8 year old pointed this out!This is from my front deck!

This one is from the back porch too. Sorry for the gutters! My screen is busted on my camera and I have to just guess at the placement. I added this one by accident and couldn't get it off the blog.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thankful Today

I have had a very busy week. I am thankful for the beautiful weather we have been having! Indian summer is almost over and it is starting to get colder. My husband loves it, everyone else is bundled up! lol

I got some of my Christmas gifts completed! I was so excited! (and kind of proud that I actually finnished one-probably sinful) They turned out very nice and they are for a favorite aunt. Bless her heart she married into this crazy family! She has always been a such a wonderful blessing!

Today, I finally got around to taking my state board test to get recertified as a CNA. I was originally getting my CNA back so I could work just a few hours and make up the rest of the money we need for bills without working full time. (I haven't worked as a CNA since 2004 when I found out I was pregnant and spent the next 8 months on bed rest) My hearts desire is to be home with my beloved children. The reality is that this is not a possibility at this time. And with the economy in the proverbial crapper, it may not be for a long time. I was strangely excited that I passed all the little tests. I was quite unemotional until I got the result from the skills test. Then I was shocked for about 20 minutes before I was excited. I am now officially certifiable! lol

I did take this extra time with great weather to have the little ones play outside. My 3 year old made himself a little "camp". He set up his little indoor tent out in the yard and made a place for the fire-gotta have smores! lol He and my eight year old son were out playing "camping" for the better part of the week. Michael (3yo) now wants me to set up the "camp burger" (translates to camper).

I've been reading Parenting Teens with Love and Logic. My husband and I decided to try it and let the girls have a little more room to make mistakes and own the problem as long as it's safe. I must admit I am one who runs to the rescue way too much. I had my first test of this new "method" on Saturday. I just have to say it-I won! I won! I won! ha ha ha ha ha ha It actually is liberating to let them own their problems as much as possible. I've decided to adapt this principle to other things as well. The girls have appreciated having the extra freedom and they really didn't give my a whole lot of problems about dealing with the problem they created without my help. I was quite happy about it. I know that they will push the envelope again but I am savoring this peace with 2 teenage girls!

I came home tonight to find that my husband had done somethings that I had been asking him to do for a long time-and some other things. He got the old ratty sofa out of the living room (of course it's on the front porch but at least it's out of here!). He moved the china cabinet to the living room-it looks ok. I personally would have left it in the kitchen or hallway. Our living room looks much better and there is a lot more room for the kids to play! I still have a sofa and 2 recliners to sit on so we really didn't need the sectional sofa and I am sooooo happy to have it out of here!

I have got to get some pictures!

My crochet needle is calling my name! Be blessed!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Today I'm thankful for my sewing machine! How silly is that? I love my sewing machine! I wish I could take it outside and sew while my boys play! I've been working on Christmas presents already. I want to actually get them done this year. Most years I run out of time before I run out of presents to make. Hopefully not this year!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I am thankful!

I have been trying to remember to count my blessings every day. Today I am thankful for:
My home
Fabric to sew
Friends to confide in
Mikey kisses!

Friday, October 31, 2008

God's Blessings

What I'm thankful for today. . .
A warm bed
My beautiful children
A roof over my head
The cabinets have plenty of food
That my God will provide all my needs!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fall Mums

Oh! Last night I cut all my mums to put in vases in the house. They are gorgeous! I was so excited I took pictures. They look very homey on my kitchen table!
I'm so glad I did because we had an early snow today! The earliest I can ever remember! They would have all been dead!
I love when my house is all homey and stuff!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What happens when...

What happens when you suddenly wake up and realize that things are quite as you have thought them to be? What happens when someone breaks your heart, stomps on it and goes on like nothing happened? How do you move past it in a way that honors God?

I have no idea, but I'm trying to learn. Prayer is my only answer right now.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Christian Character

Work done correctly is just one of many character traits we have tried to instill in our children. It seems quite a daunting task at minimum-how to teach them our values with out brow beating them or literally thumping them with a Bible? Honesty, integrity and of course our Christian values seem outdated or invalid to them. We seem to be in a constant battle for our children against the pull of the world and it's ruler.

I've noticed lately that I seem to be slipping in my prayers for my children. I want to do more but life seems to get in the way for me as well. If I have to fight for my time with God, how much more do my children have to struggle? We have been doing family devotionals to help give them more time with God and to encourage them in their faith and walk with the Savior. I think it helps to solidify us as a family as well. We all share and join in making it more of a benefit to everyone. Mikey (3 years old) even joins in. He likes to pretend to read the Bible.

It has greatly helped us to accomplish the goals of teaching our children about the Father and helping us grow together as a family. I am thankful for our special time with God!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Taz Goes to the Parts Store

The other day Mikey got to go into the car parts store with me. This was his first trip inside the store. Up to this point he had only admired it from the outside. As soon as we entered the store, I knew I was in trouble!

Immediately upon entering the store his little eyes lit up and got as wide as saucers and he procliamed "ohhhhh this store is beautiful!!!" He wanted to know what every part was and every tool. I was sent on a mission by my dear husband to pick up 2 items. I had a list and no need to think about anything-just go to the counter and tell them what I need, pay, and leave. The end. I was totally out of my element in this particular store.

With Mikey in tow, I proceeded to be "drug" around the store being asked a million questions as Mikey saw more and more things that he just loved and couldn't live without and I of course had no idea what they were. The entire store was filled with the sounds of "what is this?" "OHHHH this is cool mommy! I want one!" "what do you do with this one mommy?". The gentlemen at the counter were having the time of their lives as I answered. "I don't know," to almost all the questions! I was able to tell him that one item was a hitch. His answer, "oh for our campburger!" (his version of a camper) After closely examining all the items in the store we made it to the counter-Whew! Now what do you think they had at the counter???? Matchbox cars!!! What did he do??? Just as he had done with the other items in the store--"I want one" "these are cool". My answer-"NO". So he proceeded to ask the gentleman behnd the counter to give me some money so I could buy it for him!!! The men in the store just laughed. I'm sure my distress lightened everyones day! lol

We managed to get out of the parts store with only the 2 items I was asked to pick up-and a whole lot of prayer and laughter! Dad gets to take him next time!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Man I feel like a woman

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in life and trying to take care of my family and any others that may pass through that I forget sometimes that I am, in fact, a woman. I know that my calling is in my home and I can get so Martha like that I forget some of the little things we do make a difference. Things we never would have thought made a difference to our families. It really is a fine art-being a wife, mother and woman and doing it all in a godly manner.

My day started out like any other day. Get up, MAKE COFFEE, do some Bible study, get everyone else up, get ready for church. This morning my sweet husband blessed me by making breakfast for everyone while I took a shower. While I was in the shower a dear friend from church called and told my husband to make sure I see her before I left church. I thought that strange because I try to see her every time, but I just said OK and went on with my morning. I didn't really have time to think about it because I was already running late.
My husband suddenly came out of the kitchen to let me know someone was at the door but he didn't know who it was. It was my cousin that I hadn't seen for years! As soon as I opened the door and saw his face I knew something was wrong and my heart just broke for him. As I went out the door he started to cry and I just grabbed him and started praying in the spirit. I knew that someone had to have died and assumed it was his father. The obvious choice since he was in poor health. By the time he had gathered his composure my husband had joined us and I was telling him what was happening. It wasn't his father that had died but his brother! Wow! I almost fell out of my chair!
We sat and talked and tried to comfort him for as long as he needed. We offered to stay longer but he felt like he needed to get home due to the tremendous amount of preparations and plans they needed to make. After he left, we went to church. We were late but were still blessed by the message on honor.
After church my dear friend found me and gave me a beautiful gift! A nice satin and lace nightie with a robe! Wow! It was beautiful! I didn't take it out of the bag until I got in the van. (I couldn't possibly wait until I got home!) It was gorgeous! The kids all oohed and awwed, my husband just smiled. All I could think about is I hope it fits! She is so much smaller than me I thought there would be no way, but I was blessed by it anyway I thought. Such a gift that just lifted my spirit. I got busy thinking of all the things I needed from the store so that I could prepare a meal to take to my uncle's home. (typical me-Martha style) I wasn't sure I had everything I needed and I wanted it to be a special meal for them.
We went to Sams and made a huge purchase of course. Who really gets out of there for less than $100.00? Then went home where I went to work preparing homemade bread, stuffing from scratch, and roasted chicken. My husband and kids went to work in the basement getting things together for one of my daughters whose school band is having a yard sale and putting all the rest of the junk in the trailer to go to the dump.
After dinner, my husband and I delivered the food and came home. . . Time to try on my gift!!! wooohooo!(hillbilly style) I was so excited I could barely contain myself! I took it out of the bag. Examined it, felt how satiny it was, admired the lace, then ran to the door and closed it! Wow! It fit! I twirled in it and looked in the mirror just as my door burst open with 3 out of 4 kids standing at it! I knew I should have left the door open!! They would have seen that I was changing and they would have went back down the hall! I stood there with my mouth open while they looked at me with their mouths open! I wasn't quite ready to share my gift with the world yet. I hadn't worn such a thing in years and I was shocked by how it made me feel! (I wondered if it was a sin) So they were happy and excited and I think surprised. My three year old couldn't stop rubbing it. He has never seen me wear "pretties" before. I went into the living room and showed my husband. He thought it was very nice he said but I could read his expression.
I guess I said all that to say that sometimes life takes a different turn than we expect. I never expected to receive such a gift from my friend. I had forgotten that wearing "pretties" to bed made me feel like a beautiful woman. It is one thing to know that you are a beautiful child of God but it is an entirely different thing to feel like you are a beautiful godly woman. I had forsaken the wearing of pretties because life was so busy that I didn't feel I could afford the luxury. It took a wonderful, precious sister in Christ to remind me that a small luxury that blesses my family and me isn't really a luxury! It's a blessing! And my friend blessed me more than I could ever express to her!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mikey & The Tractor Store

Today we went to the "tractor" store. Mikey, who loves tractors from the bottom of his little heart, thought he had died and gone to heaven. He went from tractor to tractor, pushing all the buttons and moving all the levers and most importantly buckling his seat belt on each one! Just to be safe. He was so excited about all the tractors that he was almost in a frenzy of movement! The gentlemen at the tractor store were most gracious and allowed him to sit on all the tractors and push all the buttons even though his father and I were both trying to wrangle him in. He loves tractors and anytime we are shopping and there is a toy tractor he always wants one. He was able to understand that he couldn't have any of the "real" tractors but he had a blast today.