Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Where Do I Start?

I have been so in awe of the awesomeness of my God. For the last two weeks I have seen my heavenly Father move like a mighty rushing wind all over the place! I soooo want to tell everyone all the things that have been happening but I am totally at a loss as to where to start. I guess this post will be a bit random too.

After 8 years at our church, we have been released to go elsewhere. Two weeks ago we found our new home church. We tried one other church, my husband liked it but I had serious issues with some things. It also seemed like we were at a youth group meeting at every service. Spiritually, I need meat, not milk-if that makes sense. I need something deeper than surface text preaching.

The new church suits all of our needs and the pastor and the youth pastor are totally on FIRE! The youth is on FIRE and I would have any of them pray for me. It is an awesome thing to see the youth so on fire with a deep relationship with the Savior. Sunday was youth Sunday and the youth ROCKED the house! Sunday evening, they did it again and by the end of the evening service, God showed up in a way that I can only describe as a sonic boom! Not one person left untouched. Even my little Taz got down on his little knee and was praying. I just have to say it, please excuse the saying if you don't understand it, "I never seen da beat".

I've seen my husband "man up" in a way that I have been praying for over the last several years. He is teaching the boys to be godly men and to pray and worship. He is teaching them God's word and I am so excited I can't see straight. The boys need a good godly man to show them. I'm proud to say that my husband is now that man.

I go to church and keep threatening to bring the marshmallows. I can put them on a stick and hold them out as the pastor goes by and get a good roast on! God has been answering prayers left and right and providing in ways I never even thought about.

I am so proud to be a child of the Most High GOD! I praise His name for all He has done and all He will do.


  1. You are blessed to have found a Church that is feeding you and your family. We are searching for a new Church home. After 7 years, I am starving for the Word.
