Wednesday, November 12, 2008


This is a partial view of my newly rearranged living room! It still looks small in this picture but the tv is behind me.

This is base camp. These were supposed to be at the end of the post but I can't seem to operate this thing today. My 3 & 8 year old have been playing camping here most of the last week.
This is his fire pit. lol We warmed our hands on it today!

Taking care of business at camp! (black mail pictures for when he is a teenager) You can see my back yard needs grooming and you can see the corner of my little garden.

Amazingly enough, only the boy was in the corner!

Mikey is rebuilding base camp for his adventures! The wind was trying to take it away.

The most important part of this entry is this.....from my back porch!

This is my view of God's glory this morning! He is just so awesome! My precious 8 year old pointed this out!This is from my front deck!

This one is from the back porch too. Sorry for the gutters! My screen is busted on my camera and I have to just guess at the placement. I added this one by accident and couldn't get it off the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sky. Your pictures of the base camp is cute. My oldest does the same thing, including the taking care of business part. Enjoying your blog. Many blessings.
