I was browsing through some blogs this morning and commented on a post. Basically I admitted that I embarrass my teenage girls. Yep, I do.
Now, if I'm honest, I have to admit that I am embarrassing ya'll. I will put on praise and worship music and by the worlds standards, I SHOW OUT!! I will clear the room ya'll!
You see, when the Bible says, "The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; Luke 4:18, It's talking about me. I was saved, healed, delivered and set free.
I don't really care that I embarrass my girls. I'll be even more undignified than this. I feel like King David when he danced before the Lord and his wife disapproved sometimes (except I keep my clothes on) I love God so much that I dance (Psalm 150), I sing (I'm tone deaf and I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket! ), I lift my hands and just look out right goofy sometimes.
What I am concerned about is what my family sees
in me. I want them to see me walk my faith out. I don't want to tell them how to live theirs out. It just doesn't seem effective to say this is how you walk it out. I think they need to see it, in action. They need to see you going to help the needy, praying for friends and strangers, worshiping with your heart and not just giving lip service. They need to see you minister to others and your relationship with the Savior. Lead by example. Do what I say and not what I do just doesn't work. I believe they need to see the love.
Will I always embarrass my children with my worship? No, I don't think so. My prayer is that they will embarrass me with theirs and mine will seem tame in comparison. I want them to love the LORD even more than I do. That my faith and yes, even my worship will be a testimony that will drive them to love more, worship harder, sing louder, dance faster, and pray without ceasing. I pray that as they see me walking out my faith even in the midst of a battle, that they will want to have a stronger relationship with their savior. That they will move beyond me in their faith and live for the LORD, set apart and peculiar.