Friday, October 31, 2008

God's Blessings

What I'm thankful for today. . .
A warm bed
My beautiful children
A roof over my head
The cabinets have plenty of food
That my God will provide all my needs!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fall Mums

Oh! Last night I cut all my mums to put in vases in the house. They are gorgeous! I was so excited I took pictures. They look very homey on my kitchen table!
I'm so glad I did because we had an early snow today! The earliest I can ever remember! They would have all been dead!
I love when my house is all homey and stuff!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What happens when...

What happens when you suddenly wake up and realize that things are quite as you have thought them to be? What happens when someone breaks your heart, stomps on it and goes on like nothing happened? How do you move past it in a way that honors God?

I have no idea, but I'm trying to learn. Prayer is my only answer right now.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Christian Character

Work done correctly is just one of many character traits we have tried to instill in our children. It seems quite a daunting task at minimum-how to teach them our values with out brow beating them or literally thumping them with a Bible? Honesty, integrity and of course our Christian values seem outdated or invalid to them. We seem to be in a constant battle for our children against the pull of the world and it's ruler.

I've noticed lately that I seem to be slipping in my prayers for my children. I want to do more but life seems to get in the way for me as well. If I have to fight for my time with God, how much more do my children have to struggle? We have been doing family devotionals to help give them more time with God and to encourage them in their faith and walk with the Savior. I think it helps to solidify us as a family as well. We all share and join in making it more of a benefit to everyone. Mikey (3 years old) even joins in. He likes to pretend to read the Bible.

It has greatly helped us to accomplish the goals of teaching our children about the Father and helping us grow together as a family. I am thankful for our special time with God!